Sunday 22 July 2012

Cooking Tips That Are Simple And Easy To Follow

Most people see view cooking as a chore. Cooking, though, can be something very enjoyable! Learning to cook at home more can also lead to increased health. As a first-rate cook always seeks to expand their skills, read on to gain some useful tips which can help you increase your knowledge and your enjoyment of cooking.

Learn how to use color as a guide to cooking. Colorful meals are much healthier and more eye appealing, too. Pick nice looking garnishes as well; try tomatoes, cilantro, carrots, or parsley. By being creative with the colors you use, you'll notice that people will be rushing to eat them.

If you keep herbs and spices handy, make sure you are keeping them in a dark, cool area. Their flavors suffer when they are exposed to heat, light, and humidity. Do not expect your spices to last more than a year. Spices in their whole form can be stored for between 3 to 5 years. If they are stored properly, they will stay fresh longer.

Before chopping fresh herbs sprinkle some salt on the cutting board. This gives the herbs a little flavor. Mostly, though, a little salt keeps the herbs from flying off the board. If you add the salt to your cutting board, reduce the salt in the recipe by the same amount, so that you don't add too much salt to your dish. Any salt on your cutting board can stick to the herbs you are chopping and enhance their flavor.

When cutting fresh herbs, sprinkle salt onto the cutting board. Not only does this add a little extra flavor, it keeps the herbs you are chopping where you want them - on the board. You don't need to add extra salt to the food you are preparing. This will over-salt the dish. The salt you put on the board will stick to the herbs and add a bit of flavor.

Do not use a random amount of cooking oil. By measuring, you will be able to lower the quantity of fat and grease in your foods. You'll be able to carefully account for all of the oil that you use.

Keep your spices and herbs in a dry cupboard. Light and humidity can diminish the flavor of spices, as can heat. If you take good care of your ingredients, they will keep their flavor longer.

Always properly measure cooking oil. If you want to get rid of some of the fat in your recipe make sure to measure how much you're using instead of just pouring it into the pan. By doing this, you will be able to clearly see how much oil you are using.

Make stews and soups even healthier by using nonfat stock or broth. Your soup should contain mostly vegetables and lean meats to keep it low-fat. When your soup is done cooking, put it in the refrigerator to chill. This will cause the fat to congeal and rise to the top. You can then remove the hardened fat and discard. The calorie savings is around 100 per tablespoon you remove.

In cooking dried beans, be sure to wait for the beans to cook to a softer consistency before you stir in garlic or salt. Both garlic and salt can prevent the beans from softening. To get the proper texture, wait to season the beans until they are half-way cooked.

Use spices after cooking. Pepper, cayenne, salt, and garlic are yummy additional seasonings you can add. Everyone has their own individual tastes regarding spices. Allow for your food to be complimented with these spices when the meal is served. This allows each person to make their meal their way.

When cooking with fruits and vegetables that you have never used before, gather as much knowledge about them beforehand as you can. By performing some research, you could be surprised at how versatile a new food can be. If you take the time to learn about the item before heading into the kitchen, the experience will be that much more enjoyable.

Fresh garlic is ideal when preparing dishes that call for garlic. It's well-known that fresher garlic equals sweeter taste. If it isn't soft, bruised or shriveled and it has some firm skin then you know that the garlic is fresh.

As previously mentioned, in order to be a successful cook you need to know the ins and outs of cooking. The beauty of cooking is that it is not just about the physical act, but also about different types of food and cooking methods. It is also about passing on what you have learned to others. Cooking is a community gift; share it with loved ones.

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