Friday, 13 July 2012

Be A Better Cook With These Useful Tips!

Cooking is a valuable skill that everyone should have. Pretty much everyone loves food, even more so when you or someone you love cooks the meal. Unfortunately, not everyone has as much skill as they desire. You'll be on your way to being a better cook if you use the advice in this article.

Pungent foods such as garlic, onions, and fish can leave an offensive odor on your hands. You can effectively remove this scent by rubbing your hands on a stainless steel object before you wash them. Try using a spoon, the side of the sink, or a "soap bar," this can cause your hands to again be fresh and odor-free.

Many times your burgers can stick to your grill and it could be nearly impossible to free them without destroying them. Try brushing vegetable oil on the cooking surface prior to cooking so that food does not stick.

You should let your meat rest prior to serving. A lot of people don't understand the importance of letting a meal sit for a while. Many are tempted to quickly serve food hot off the grill or stovetop. If you do this, you will really be missing out. Let your food rest for a while, and you will enjoy tastier meals.

Cooling racks that stack on top of one another are greatly beneficial in the kitchen. For instance, if you're baking a large amount of cookies, cooling them can completely take over your work space. In order to maximize counter space, get some stacking cooling racks instead. Your cookies can cool on the rack, but you will still have full use of your kitchen surfaces.

This can be fixed quite easily by using the following tip. Take a few raw potatoes, peel and cut them, and then add them to the sauce, allowing them to cook for 15 minutes. The potatoes will absorb the extra salt in the dish. If your dish is based in tomatoes, you can put in additional tomatoes for the purpose of diluting the excessive salt.

If you want to reduce the amount of calories and fat in a mashed potato dish, substitute cauliflower for some of the potatoes. Since cauliflower is bland, it will mix right in with the potatoes along with the other ingredients. You'll still be able to enjoy mashed potatoes, but with less fat and calories!

Don't add the dressing until right before serving. Try to have the prep work completed before cooking; this is important. When you have a limited amount of time, cooking can become stressful. Do the prep work as early as you can to avoid stress later.

Cut the cinnamon rolls with ease. If you have made cinnamon rolls, it can be hard to prepare them for baking by slicing them. You can cut the dough easily by placing a piece of thread right under the spot where you wish to cut the roll. Next, bring your thread (or fishing line, thin wire, etc) around either side of the roll, crossing the thread as if you're about to tie your shoes. Then, quickly pull down equally in either direction. Doing this will guarantee you have the best cinnamon roll slices.

A pantry or other cool, dark space will preserve the flavor of herbs and spices the longest. Storing spices in warm locations, such as above the stove, can cause the spices to lose their flavor and you to lose your money.

They will act somewhat like a sponge that soaks up all the water. Instead, you want to wet a clean cloth and use that to wipe the mushroom off.

When cooking with fruits and vegetables that you have never used before, gather as much knowledge about them beforehand as you can. By performing some research, you could be surprised at how versatile a new food can be. If you take the time to learn about the item before heading into the kitchen, the experience will be that much more enjoyable.

Fresh garlic is ideal when preparing dishes that call for garlic. It's well-known that fresher garlic equals sweeter taste. If it isn't soft, bruised or shriveled and it has some firm skin then you know that the garlic is fresh.

You have lots more tools now to help make you a skilled home chef. Consider your meals experimental playgrounds where your creativity can whip up delicious delights. With the tremendous variety of foods from around the world, there is no limit to the creative, delicious meals you can cook!

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